Facing my demons

Almost 4 months have passed since my previous try to run the Ultra tour du Massif des 3 Pignons, which ended prematurely with bad ankle sprain. Time to give the 35 bosses route another chance.

Almost 4 months have already passed since my previous try to run the Ultra tour du Massif des 3 Pignons, which ended prematurely with grade 2 ankle sprain.

Full month of arrêt de travail, amost 2 months off any sports, with just some basic rehabiliation exercises, lots of visits to my local sports kiné, and slowly painful process of restarting everything almost from zero, easying my ankle (and the whole body) back into cycling and running.

Finally, after 4 months, I decided to face the devils of the past and give the 35 bosses route another try. This time 100% successfully!

Both ankles made it through the run without a glitch, and I was getting a little bit less lost this time.