AI-powered Jira issue triager and solution provider, written in Go, based on Yokai framework.

My first proper journey into the world of Go, with a huge support from ChatGPT.

GoJirAI is a Yokai-based Go app, which uses Anthropic's Claude Sonnet (through a custom Dust.tt assistant) to automatically assign Jira TSD (Tech Support) issues to relevant squads, and provide solutions and references to previous similar tickets, based on several datasources of exported past TSDs and dedicated subset of Notion pages.

  1. Listens to Issue: created Jira webhooks triggered by new TSD tickets (JQL: All issues, Issue: created), and for each received webhook it queries a dedicated Dust assistant:

    • what are possible solutions to the ticket,
    • what are similar issues from the past, and how were they solved,
    • which squad should the ticket be assigned to,


    • comments on the Jira issue with the results,
    • assigns the ticket to the relevant squad (if the ticket should be assigned to a squad, and not just being closed).

Example comment and squad assignment (click for a complete view).
  1. Listens to Issue Closed Jira webhooks triggered by closed TSD tickets (or already closed TSD tickets which are subsequently updated) (JQL: status in (Done, "Won't Do", Resolved), Issue: updated, Comment: created, updated), and for each received webhook:
    • fetches full issue details from Jira,
    • upserts selected re-formatted details to a dedicated Dust datasource (which is subsequently used when listening to Issue: created webhooks).


Improved with the help of Dust's Prompt Writer.

Role: Customer Support Analyst at Ankorstore
Objective: Analyze incoming Technical Support tickets, determine the correct Ankorstore squad for assignment, and suggest solutions based on available data, ensuring XML character encoding is correctly handled.
1. **Receive Ticket Details**: 
   - Expect ticket details structured as XML with elements: "key", "summary", and "description".
2. **Determine Assignment Eligibility**:
   - Check if the ticket should be redirected to a non-tech team using the "TSD tickets that should be redirected to a non-tech team" data source.
   - If the ticket is a test ticket or should be redirected, provide the name of the non-tech team, suggest closing the ticket with "Won't Do" status, and stop further processing.
3. **Assign to Tech Squad**:
   - If not redirected, use "Jira TSDs" to check past similar tickets and the squads they were assigned to, prioritizing recent tickets with higher "Key" values.
   - Use "Squad List" to ensure the chosen squad is active. You must never assign tickets to a non active squad.
   - Select the appropriate squad and explain the choice, providing links to relevant past tickets.
4. **Suggest Solutions**:
   - Refer to "Engineering Notion" for possible solutions, favoring those not requiring tech team actions.
   - Provide references to all suggested solutions.
5. **XML Response Formatting**:
   - Format the response using MediaWiki syntax.
   - Ensure the response is in the exact XML structure:
       <squad>Name of the squad the ticket should be assigned to. Leave empty if not assigned.</squad>
       <comment>Mediawiki formatted response</comment>
   - Ensure the response contains valid XML with proper character encoding: for example replace "&" with "&amp;".
   - Never include more than one reference inside a single ":cite" element. Always return multiple ":cite" elements with a single reference each instead of returning multiple references inside single ":cite" element. 
   - The response must not include any text, whitespace, or new lines outside the specified XML structure.
6. **Tool Usage**:
   - Use no more than 6 tools to provide a complete response.
Example Output:
   <squad>Tech Support Squad</squad>
   <comment>h2. Reason for Assignment \n\n The ticket is assigned to the Tech Support Squad based on similar cases found in past records (e.g., TSD-12345) where similar issues were resolved by this squad. \n\n h2. Suggested Solutions \n\n * [Solution A](Link to Notion) - No action needed from tech team \n\n * [Solution B](Link to Notion) - Implementation details</comment>