Nissan Dealers Extranet

Every Nissan vehicle is a result of a passionate mindset, yet with a practical side that reflects the times. Which means driving enjoyment rooted in the highest standard of engineering and quality. And fresh, modern design matched by manufacturing excellence.

Every Nissan vehicle is a result of a passionate mindset, yet with a practical side that reflects the times. Which means driving enjoyment rooted in the highest standard of engineering and quality. And fresh, modern design matched by manufacturing excellence.

But the truth is that even the most excellent cars sometimes break down. And then everything comes down to how their repair is being handled.

When Nissan Poland introduced its 5-years extended guarantee period, Purrmedia was asked to develop a system linking all Nissan dealers with Nissan headquarters over the country-wide extranet network, allowing for easy management of all repair applications.

The system worked as fast, safe, bi-directional channel of internal communication between the companies.

The dealers were not only able to submit a new application as soon as they were delivered a broken car, but also they could monitor the status of all their previous applications on on-going basis and react accordingly as soon as their application was considered.

At the same time Nissan Poland owned extensive, detailed database of all cars and all repairs conducted for all his dealers under the terms of the program.